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Solids Textbooks

      The texts from Timoshenko and Landau and Lifschitz are classics. I think learning the physical approach of L&L is particularly valuable. The following sections are available in L&L:

 1. Fundamental Equations

 2. Equilibrium of Rods and Plates

3. Elastic Waves

4. Thermal Conduction and Viscosity in Solids

Look for insightful physical explanations, and expect to read with a pen and paper at your side, to understand exactly the brilliance behind each statement made.

53rd Congress of ISTAM (2008)


The 53rd Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (an International Meet) is slated to be held during last week of December 2008, in Hyderabad, India. The last date for sending in both the abstracts and the full-length papers is 30th September, 2008.

People from outside India are especially encouraged to participate. Hyderabad is well connected by flights. Usually, the ISTAM conferences are low on budget but high on enthusiasm. The ISTAM conferences typically cover a broad range of topics.

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