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laser welding

Laser Welding Simulation

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Hi all,

        I am trying to simulate the laser welding of butt joint in ANSYS to find out the residual stress after the welding. Can anyone help in modelling the welding process in any way like suggesting the basic important literature and how to model the moving heat flux. Do we need to define the elements at the bead in modelling the welding proicess?. In laser welding we dont have the filler material in that case how those plates are joined in simulation?.

Is there any kind of tutorial available in ANSYS to model the welding process.


Gauss heat flux function for welding in ANSYS

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I am trying to simulate a 2D model of laser welding . I want to ask How to incorporate the Gaussian heat flux in ANSYS as load??

Any help in this regard will be helpful...... 

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Looking for a postdoc on Laser Material Processing

I am already PhD candidate of Mechanical Engineering in Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. I am looking for a postdoc position with an emphasis on laser material processing. You may access my CV by:


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