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Safety Engineering and Risk Management Debate 2012

Patricia Fleitas's picture

Topic 23: Implication of the offshore industry toward "zero harmful discharge"

Current situation in the North Sea, impacts of dissolved subtances to the environment, new legislation and how the industry will be prepare to the new challenge. What is the current situation in your own country?

Ikechukwu Onyegiri's picture


In the age at which we live, no doubt energy controls the world. Loads of effort and assistance has gone into the development of technologies to meet the world's demand for energy and in the light of this we should ask ourselves this question "Is this uprise going to compromise the safety standards on ground?". Man all through history has been known to always find a way at all cost to solve problems even though most point to economical reasons.

Ezenwa Udoha's picture


April, 1947, remains a day that can never be forgotten easily in the history of
the United States. When a French cargo (SS Grand camp) that was loaded with
2300 tons of Ammonium Nitrate and ammunition exploded shortly after the engine
room was gut by fire.

explosion climaxed and 14 hours later exploded the second ship (SS High Flyer, heavily loaded with
Ammonium Nitrate) that was anchored adjacent the SS Grand Camp. The chain

Lee Soo Chyi's picture

Topic 17: Should Arctic drilling activities be halted until the Safety and Technology are improved?

Arctic drilling has
been happening since the 1920s, but it become much more contentious as BP’s
Deepwater Horizon spill in the GOM dominates the headlines while firms were
scrambling to expand production in the far North.

Samuel Bamkefa's picture

Topic 15: Carbon emissions trading: How viable?

In order to control the emission of greenhouse gases, a number of initiatives have been brought up internationally. One of these is carbon trading in its various dimensions. This blog is to discuss the insights and issued associated with this initiative.

Posts along this line are welcome

Samuel Bamkefa

Samuel Bamkefa's picture

Topic 14: Discuss safety in biofuels

One of the renewable sources of energy that has gotten attention and is developing is bio-energy. It is obtained from biomass, which is an organic material that has stored chemical energy.

But, is the harnessing and use of biofuels completely safe? Are there issues that should be of concern?

Posts giving insight into safety issues in the use of biofuels are welcome

Samuel Bamkefa

Kobina Gyan Budu's picture

Post Macondo underwater technology

Michael, I agree with you.

Technologies are as good as the people who use
them. Regulators and organisational stakeholders have always been good at
reactive measures rather than proactive. Once systems start working, stake
holders take their feet off the pedal and are only re-awakened by the failure
events/accidents.  In most of the world’s
accidents, human error (due to lack of knowledge/inexperience, shear
negligence, complacency, ego, etc) has been the primary cause. 

a.bhardwaj.12's picture

Topic 10: ONGC Mumbai High Accident (July 27, 2005 @ West Coast of India)

Mumbai High Fire

The Mumbai High Field was discovered in 1974 and is located in the Arabian Sea. The field is divided into two blocks, North and South. It had the capacity of 180,000 barresls per day. It is operated by state owned Oil and Natural Gas Corp. (ONGC), and is protected by one private company and Indian Navy.  

Henry Tan's picture

Topic 12: Post Macondo underwater technology

The discussions in this blog relate to the SUT (Society of Underwater Technology) event on Wednesday (10 October 2012), “Macondo - Lessons and implications for the North Sea”.

Henry Tan's picture

Topic 5: Solar energy

Safety Engineering and Risk Management Debate 2012


Discussion Topic 5: In recent years, millions of solar panels have been placed on roofs around the world. Discuss how safe are they? Discuss the hidden pollution caused by solar panels.

Henry Tan's picture

Topic 4: Piper Alpha disaster

Safety Engineering and Risk Magement Debate 2012


Discussion Topic 4: If the Piper Alpha disaster occurred today, discuss the current safety legislative regime that will apply.

Henry Tan's picture

Topic 3: Fracking

Safety Engineering and Risk Management Debate 2012

Discussion Topic 3: Is fracking for shale gas safe and without damage to community environment? Should it be banned?

solar panels



In recent years, millions of solar panels have been placed on roofs around the world. Discuss how safe are they? Discuss the hidden pollution caused by solar panels.


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