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numerical integration

Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin's picture

Consistent and stable meshfree Galerkin methods using the virtual element decomposition

Paper Accepted for Publication in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

Consistent and stable meshfree Galerkin methods using the virtual element decomposition

A. Ortiz-Bernardin, A. Russo, N. Sukumar



Alejandro Ortiz-Bernardin's picture

Linear smoothed polygonal and polyhedral finite elements

Paper Accepted for Publication in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

Linear smoothed polygonal and polyhedral finite elements

A. Francis, A. Ortiz-BernardinSPA. BordasS. Natarajan


Problems with numerical integration of discontinuous functions

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Hi everybody,

 I am a very beginnerin doing research :-) and my topic is about "micro indentation analysis using continuum dislocation theory". I am applying high-order finite element method for this nonlinear problem.

My plan is first writing a subroutine for the element. However, when I intend to compute the internal force by using Gauss integration, I see a problem with the integrand function of some index of the internal force vector. This integrand is discontinuous function. It is therefore, I cannot get a good approximation with the standard Gauss integration. 

Problems with numerical integration of discontinuous functions

Hi everybody,

 I am a beginner in doing research :-) and my topic is about "Micro Indentation Analysis using Continuum Dislocation Theory". I am applying high-order finite element method for this nonlinear problem.

 My plan is first writing a subroutine for the element. However, when I intend to compute the internal force  by using Gauss Integration, I see a problem with the integrand function of some components of the internal force vector. This integrand is discontious function. It is therefore, I cannot get a good approximation with the standard Gauss integration.

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