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Zhigang Suo's picture

Friends of Extreme Mechanics Letters

When I traveled in China in June, I was once again irritated by the Internet.  It was often slow and broken.  Many important services are inaccessible, blocked by someone.  Why would someone do that?

But I found my Chinese colleagues extremely well interconnected.  Everyone has a cell phone.  They actually use their cell phones!  

Zhigang Suo's picture

Extreme Mechanics Letters

The initial issues of Extreme Mechanics Letters are freely accessible.  We look forward to receiving your submissions.  Your contribution will help to build this home of mechanicians.


Zhigang Suo's picture

What is Extreme Mechanics?

This question was raised repeatedly when the journal Extreme Mechanics Letters was getting ready to launch.  The editorial board did put together the aim and scope.  But the journal has its own life.  Once launched, it has been shaped by the community.

K Jimmy Hsia's picture

EML is born

Dear Friends,
Let me assure you that we (the editorial team) are just as anxious as you are to see what kind of papers are published by EML, with similar anticipation as one looks at a new born baby for the first time.  Does the baby girl have big eyes like her mother? Or does the baby boy have little hair on his head like his father? Or the baby is just different, different from all other children, and beautifully so.

Zhigang Suo's picture

What do we want EML to be? How do we get there?

Starting a new journal is risky.  Starting a new journal in mechanics is particularly risky.  The responses to the two recent posts are encouraging, however.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Getting ready for Extreme Mechanics Letters

We are launching a new journal, Extreme Mechanics Letters. EML will publish letter-sized papers. We aim to achieve rapid communication. Our goal is to have the accepted papers published within 6-8 weeks upon submission. We aim to build a home at the frontier of engineering, medicine, science and entertainment, where advances are rapid and mechanics matters. We seek papers from researchers in all disciplines.

We will start to review submissions on 1 October 2014, and publish first papers by 1 December 2014. The beginning issues will be freely accessible online, and printed copies will be distributed at conferences.

We love to publish your extremely new ideas on extremely useful and extremely interesting mechanics. Please submit your papers soon.


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