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2 Ph.D. Positions in Computational Materials Science at the University of Manitoba, Canada

About Us: The University of Manitoba (U of M or UM) is a public research university in Manitoba, Canada. The university maintains a reputation as a top research-intensive post-secondary educational institution and conducts more research annually than any other university in the region. The teaching and research activities at the Department of Mechanical Engineering cover multiple mechanical engineering fields including solid mechanics, materials sciences, fluid mechanics, manufacturing and e.g.

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One postdoc position in atomistic simulations at the University of Manitoba, Canada

We currently have one opening for postdoc position at the Unviersity of Manitoba, Canada in the area of atomistic simulations of the electronic structure and physical properties of metallic systems. The position will investigate the correlation between the electronic structures and the physical properties (e.g., thermodynamics, corrosion/wear, and plasticity, etc.) of metals by using molecular dynamics and density functional theory simulations. 

Supervisor: Dr. Chuang Deng (

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Postdoc position in atomistic simulations at the University of Manitoba, Canada

We currently have one opening for postdoc position at the Unviersity of Manitoba, Canada in the area of atomistic simulations of the electronic structure and physical properties of metallic systems. The position will investigate the correlation between the electronic structures and the physical properties (e.g., thermodynamics, corrosion/wear, and plasticity, etc.) of metals by using molecular dynamics and density functional theory simulations. 

Supervisor: Dr. Chuang Deng (

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One postdoc position in multiscale modeling available immediately at the University of Manitoba, Canada

We currently have one opening for postdoc position at the Unviersity of Manitoba, Canada in the area of multiscale modeling on High-entropy alloys and functional graded materials

Supervisors: Dr. Nan Wu and Dr. Chuang Deng (,

Fellowship: 33000 CAD/year with 2 year period 


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One postdoc position in Dislocation Dynamics available immediately at the University of Manitoba

We currently have opening for one postdoc associate available immediately at the Univesrity of Manitoba ( He/she will be expected to model the dislocation networks and their influence on the mechanical properties of high entropy alloys. The ideal candidate would have a Ph.D. degree in Materials Science or Mechanical Engineering with experiences in Dislocation Dynamics.

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MSc position in computational materials science at the University of Manitoba

Two Masters' positions are now available for the winter semester (starting in January), 2013 on computational materials sciene in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the Unviersity of Manitoba. The potential student(s) will work on the thermostability and mechanical properties in nanocrystalline materials and crystalline/amorphous composites. Students with strong interests in atomistic simulations (MD, ab inito, monte carlo, etc.) and good programming skills (C, Fortran, etc.) are encouraged to apply. Intrested students please send a CV and inquires to Prof.

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Opening for Master/Ph.D. in computational materials science

Two openings for Master/Ph.D. studentship are now repost for January, 2013 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Manitoba in the field of computational materials science. Students with a strong background/intrest in materials simulation (atomistic, e.g., Ab initio, MD or Monte Carlo, or mesoscale phase field simulations) are encouraged to apply.

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Graduate studentship (Master or Ph.D) available in computational materials science

Openings for two graduate studentship (Master/Ph.D) are available for the fall semester, 2012 in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the Univeristy of Manitoba. Students who have a strong background in materials simulations (molecular dynamics, monte carlo simulations, or phase field) are especially encouraged to apply. The potential students will work on one or more of the following projects: (1) Solute effects on grain boundary diffusivity/mobility; (2) Microplasticity in metallic glass and nanocomposites; (3) Plasticity in metal nanowires.

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A new paper on the nanoscale plasticity in twinned gold nanowires

A new paper titled "Enabling Ultrahigh Plastic Flow and Work Hardening in Twinned Gold Nanowires " from Dr. Sansoz's group just came out on the latest issue of NanoLetters. Attached below is the abstract and the full paper can be found at: We welcome any comment about this paper as well as our research.

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Software to generate x-ray diffraction pattern

Hello all,

 Does anyone know any software that can generate x-ray diffraction pattern for polymer? I used to have Cerius2 which can do the job very well, but unfortunately the license expired some months ago and I am looking for some alternative software that can do similar job. Right now I have all the structures saved in .msi format. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks a lot!


Chuang Deng 

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