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Leonid G. Philippenko's blog

Active stretching shock wave as reactive engine

The drivers for move of the rockets are designed in form that or the other version of the Laval nozzle.The reactive force of the traction which is created by such driver   can essentially be increased if in the outer section of nozzle is placed an active shock wave of stretching (depression): then the reactive force of the traction

What we measure on shock waves and how we interpret the results




                What we measure on shock waves and how we interpret

                                               the results.


Genuine shock waves and adiabatic hypothesis




                          Genuine shock waves and adiabatic hypothesis.

          The author's account for the scientific working people about of his executed works



                                           1. The adiabatic hypothesis.

                                      2. The genuine shock waves

                                            3. The practical utilization of the theory

Three problems about of the shock waves


                                  Three problems about of the shock waves

                                      for the curious students



                                          The third problem


The fundamental conclusions for shock waves lead from the second principle of thermodynamics. In the yours text-books such condlusions are made on the base of Zemplen theorem:


Three problems about of the shock waves


 Three problems about of the shock waves

                                      for the curious students



                                          The first problem


As it informs in your text-books, for an ideal gas the Hugoniot equation has the form

p[(h+1)V-(h-1)V0]=p0[(h+1)V0-(h-1)V] , h=cp/cv ;

The sudden throws of rock, coal and gas in the mines



                           The sudden throws of rock, coal and gas in the mines                      

  • - the natural manifestation of the active shock waves of stretching


The letter to curious reader



                              The letter to curious reader

                        (URL: node/4755 )


                                    Dear Curious reader!

     Of course, the specialists on hydromechanics - scientists, engineers - read a Web-journal of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences of Harvard University. You are surprising why they keep silent. Let us think together. <!--break--!>

About: why we have not synthetic diamonds



                              About: why we have not synthetic diamonds.

Thermonuclear energy by shock waves


                    The reasons of the failure of initiative

          the thermonuclear reaction by shock waves


      1.The failure.

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