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tehrani's blog

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postdoc position in experimental mechanics of composites at the University of Texas at Austin

Immediate #postdoc position in experimental mechanics of #composites at UT-Austin Mechanical Engineering. The applicant must currently be in the U.S. due to the COVID-19 international travel restrictions. Send your CV to

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Postdoc Position in “Multi-Scale Modeling of Composites”


A postdoctoral position in “Multi-Scale Modeling of Composites” is available in Tehrani Group in the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at UT Austin. The position starts in August 2020. The required qualifications for this position are as follows:

·       Acquired a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or a closely related field before the position start date.

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PhD position in Multi-Material 3D printing

Looking for a motivated PhD student (Fall 2018 or Spring 2019) to work on Multi-Material 3D Printing: carbon fiber composite, nanocomposite, and conductive ink. The dissertation investigates both materials and mechanics aspects of 3D printed materials. If interested send your CV to 

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Congress-Wide Symposium on Additive Manufacturing (ASME-IMECE 2018): abstract deadline Feb 26

Congress-Wide Symposium on Additive Manufacturing (Topic 2-2)IMECE-ASME, Pittsburgh, PA, November 9-15th of 2018. The abstracts (400-650 words) are due Feb 26th.


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