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Joe Elliott's blog

Abaqus tire wear analysis

Hi all,


I am trying to complete the tire wear analysis example problem in the Abaqus user manual but I am having trouble with the input files. I have fetched them from the zip file using the fetch utility and I can import the first file (treadwear_axi.inp) in to Abaqus 6.9 but I am unsure how to continue as the other files do not appear to be complete.

Could someone please suggest to me the next steps to inport the remaining files and run the analysis.

Many Thanks

Joe Elliott 

Problem with Abaqus and Umeshmotion


I am currently trying to simulate the wear of a damper within a gas turbine using Abaqus 6.9 and the user-subroutine Umeshmotion. I have managed to get the subroutine to compile correctly but Abaqus does not appear to use it as I can change the wear value within the code and it makes no difference to the results.

Has anyone had the problem where Abaqus does not appear to use a subroutine even though it compiles correctly? Any hints on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.


Many Thanks



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