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Xiangpeng Kong's blog

Which sofeware can be used to simulate filtration

Which software can be used to simulate the filtration ,especially to simulate the thickness of the sediment increased by the time?


How to measure the deformation in the soil

Recentl, in my research ,I need measure the deformation in the soil caused by the simulation of tunnelling construction in the labotory.In China, I have not found the proper devices to get the deformation occured under the simulation soil surface.Anyone who knows the devices or give me the advice will be appreciated!

How simulate slurry's filtration in porous media?

I wanna simulate the penetration of the slurry into soil when TBM is used to construct tunnel.  Although much more research has been done by experiments,I wanna use CFD to simulate the process which can make it more common and efficient.

For it is very similar to filtration cake physically,I would like to use some results by this.But it is very difficult to sumulate it by the software ANSYS CFD.

Is there some guy who have tried is field?Any suggestion will be appreciated!

How to Simulate Bingham FLuid by CFD

How to simulate BINGHAM fluid flow through porous media by the ANSYS CFD?

If you have some suggestion or you engage in the same problem,please communicate with me by MSN.

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