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I am doing analysis in ANSYS which requires the contact pair to be defined. I am unable to select an appropriate value of Pinball region, Penetration Tolerance and normal penalty stiffness. Does any body have an idea how to select the good values for better solution? If you have anykind of material related to contact pair kindly email me at


How to Apply Torque in ANSYS

  I want to do torsional analysis in ANSYS. The beam is hollow rectangular beam and the requirement is to rotate the beam in Z-direction. Can anybody guide me how to apply the torque?? I have applied the torque in the form of force but i am not satisfies with the results. Can anybody guide me how to apply torque??

Mapped Meshing

Hi all,


i am facing difficulty in mapped and sweep meshing.Can anybody guide me how to do sweep mesh or how to do mapped mesh??If anybody have any kind of good tutorial regarding mapped meshing, kindly send me at my email   

I will be highly obliged to you

Shock Analysis

I want to do shock analysis on a 3D modle. Can anybody guide me how to do shock analysis in ANSYS. I only knew that DDAM tye is used in shock analysis but if anyone can guide me step by step i will be highly obliged. I dont know that how to add operational and nonoperational table of frequency Vs PSD after selecting DDAM type analysis.


What are the loading conditions required in Shock analysis???

Problem in importing 3D modle from Pro E to ANSYS

Hi all

 I have done 3D modeling in Pro E. When i am trying to import it in ANSYS its taking alot of time. almost 1 hour has passed and modle is still not imported in ANSYS. I have converted my modle in IGES format.

Is there any way to import the modle easily from Pro E to ANSYS??? 

Spectrum Analysis in ANSYS

Hi all,


After untyring efforts i was able to do modal analysis and i am happy that alot people are helping at this forum. Now the problem i am facing is that after modal analysis i am carrying our spectrum analysis. I have selected PSD as my spectrum analysis. I have all the statistical data of PSD table i.e Frequency Vs PSD. After entring the PSD table i have to apply the boundary conditions. I use following path to for Boundary Conditions.

Main Menu>>Preprocessor>>loads>>Define loads>>apply>>structural>>spectrum

Interpretting results in ANSYS

I  have done modal analysis and when ANSYS asked to input the start and  end frequency i typed 150 as my starting frequency and 2000 as my ending frequency. No of modes to extract 10 and no of modes to expand 10. Due to no of modes ANSYS has only displyed 10 results. When i entered in postproc and results summary only 10 results were displayed and starting frequency was 150.01 to 150. 39. Now if i want to see all the frequencies how is this possible???Should i maximise the no of modes or is their any other option to view the results???

Modal analysis in ANSYS

Hi all,

I am doing modal analysis of a box placed at the table. The box is containing the electronics components inside. The electronic components are fragile to vibrations. Now i have designed the box in Pro E and have imported it in ANSY. The box is connected with the table at four corner points from the base. Note that the base of box is not placed at the table rather box is connected to table at four corner points.

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