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Edwin Vollebregt's blog

Next CONTACT-course in december 2013

Dear all,

On Tuesday December 3rd to Thursday December 5th, 2013, we will organise a course on rolling contact mechanics using the CONTACT software at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

The aims of the course are:

Frictional rolling contact model CONTACT version 13.1 released

Dear all,

Herewith I want to announce the release of the frictional rolling contact model CONTACT version 13.1.

The main changes with respect to earlier versions of the program are as follows:

Frictional rolling contact model CONTACT version 12.1 released

Dear all,

Herewith I want to announce the release of the frictional rolling contact model CONTACT version 12.1.

The main changes with respect to earlier versions of the program are as follows:

List of conferences in contact mechanics and related fields

Dear all,

 At our website we maintain a list of upcoming conferences on contact mechanics and related fields, e.g. solid mechanics, tribology, railway vehicle dynamics, etc.

Which conferences and other events do you attend? Send me a note and I'll add them to the list.

Best wishes,

Edwin Vollebregt

Contact mechanics course January 30-February 1st, 2012

Dear all,

On Monday January 30th to Wednesday February 1st, 2012, we will organise a
course on using the CONTACT software at Delft University of Technology
in the Netherlands.

The aims of the course are:

Discussion forum w.r.t. CONTACT software

Herewith I announce to you that we created a discussion forum for topics related to our contact mechanics software on our website .
The idea is to facilitate discussions and information exchange between users,
and between users and developers.

CONTACT version 10.2 released

Dear all,

Herewith I want to announc the release of CONTACT version 10.2.

The main changes with respect to earlier versions of the program are as follows:

Programme of the CONTACT course now available

Dear all,

 The programme for the course on "Contact mechanics with the CONTACT software", to be held October 28th-29th 2010 in Delft, the Netherlands, is now available via the registration form on our website

Best regards,

Edwin Vollebregt


Course on contact mechanics with the CONTACT software

Dear all,

 On Thursday 28th and Friday 29th of October 2010, we will organise a course on using the CONTACT software at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.

The aims of the course are:

Announcing free version of Kalker's rolling contact model

Dear all,

Herewith I would like to announce that we have decided to make our CONTACT software publicly available. You can obtain a free copy at the web-site We hope that the software is beneficial to you. We further hope that you give us helpful feedback in return.

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