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Multiple tenure-track faculty positions at Iowa State University

Wei Hong's picture

The Department of Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State University invites applications for multiple tenure-track faculty positions at the assistant, associate, or full professor ranks to begin August 2009. Applicants are sought in all areas of aerospace engineering and engineering mechanics but preference will be given to those with interest and expertise in aerospace structures/mechanics of materials, multidisciplinary design and analysis, experimental thermal-fluids, propulsion, wind energy, and wind engineering.

The department is also interested in applicants whose expertise and research interests intersect with one or more of the college’s interdisciplinary research and education clusters: biosciences and engineering, energy sciences and technology, engineering for extreme events, information and decision sciences, and engineering for sustainability.

Details in the attached pdf file.


Good news under such bad economic situation.

I'd like to apply!!! 

hnaceur's picture

Thank you for the info.


Hakim NACEUR, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Lab. Roberval UMR6253 CNRS,UTC
BP 20529 - 60205 Compiègne, France
Phone: +33 344 237 938 – Fax: +33 344 234 689

Very useful website, wants to see much more on it! Go on!

Jarson Zhang's picture

Thank you very much for the information!

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