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Design software

In the figure I showed a mechanism, I want to make an analysis for that. consider the circles in the figure as cylenders which can be seen in the top view. these circles are regular cylenderical parts. I made the fig in paint thats why circle don't seem to be regular. I want to analyze the angle that at given angle, whether the rolling flow of these cylenders will be blocked or not. Please tell me some software to analyze in 2d Prefferably or 3d. Please help me. I'm in intense need.

Hi Sherazi,

That the " don't seem to be regular" in the sketch is not so critical but whether there is an angle at which the "cylenders" don't flow and that you are  "in intense need". Are you trying to simulate the movement sidewards in the right direction or downwards? Supposing that you are considering the downward flow:  with    m x g x Sin(phi) which is the force acting on each cylinder in phi direction  downwards the question is somehow solved(frictionless surfaces assumption). With friction gets the problem of how the cylinders flow a bit tricky. This link may help you.                


 Hi Sherazi,

you can very easily find it out in MSC ADAMS.



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