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Elastic Deformations & Lie Groups/Algebras

I'm interested in representing elastic deformation in terms of Lie groups/algebras. Is anyone working on this area ? I think it's easiest to start (end !) with homogeneous deformations. Thanks, John.


tlaverne's picture

Dear John,

It seems that the field of Lie groups has recently caught a lot of attention for numerically solving symplectic integrators for Hamiltonian systems. I am not really working on that now, but since I am more on the computational part of mechanic, I would like to. Good books on the topic are

Mathematical foundations of elasticity by Jerrold E. Marsden,Thomas J. R. Hughes


Applications of Lie groups to differential equations by Peter J. Olver

 There is also a good article on the subject,




 Thanks for the suggested resources & encouragement. John. 

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