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my recent publications in curing modeling

mokarram76's picture


I am working on the modeling of curing process of polymer

we may like to take a look on my recent publications:

Hossain, M. ; Possart, G. ; Steinmann, P.A Finite Strain Framework for the Simulation of Polymer Curing. Part II. Viscoelasticity and shrinkage .Computational Mechanics, published online

Hossain, M. ; Possart, G. ; Steinmann, P.
A Finite Strain Framework for the Simulation of Polymer Curing. Part I: Elasticity. Computational Mechanics 44 (2009), Nr. 5, p. 621-630

Hossain, M. ; Possart, G. ; Steinmann, P., A Small-Strain Model to Simulate the Curing of Thermosets Computational Mechanics 43 (2009), Nr. 6, p. 769-779


best regards

mokarram hossain

university of erlangen-nuremberg



Please I work on the repair of damaged structures in viscoelastic if you can tell me how to enter the abacus propriétées in the adhesive, and how modeled.
thank you in advance.
 best regards
University of Sidi Bel-abbes.algérie

Hi ! mokarram hossain
Thank you for your help and for the documentation which is very rich and I learned a lot about the viscoelasticity, please if you can explain how to introduce the data of the adhesive in ABAQUS 6.9.1.
thank you in advance.

best regards


University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

mokarram76's picture

dear Mhamdia


i am sorry to write that i am not an ABAQUS user..

please give a post in the blog front page, lot of people are here who know ABAQUS very well




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