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Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2007

Henry Tan's picture

This blog focuses on the papers in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2007.


Henry Tan's picture

K. Bertoldi, D. Bigoni and W.J. Drugan
Pages 1-34

Henry Tan's picture

Finite thickness of the interface is considered in this paper. This is different from our previous approach.

H. Tan, Y. Huang, C. Liu, H. M. Inglis, G. Ravichandran and P. H. Geubelle, 2007. The uniaxial tension of particle-reinforced composite materials with nonlinear interface debonding. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44, 1809–1822.

H. M. Inglis, P. H. Geubelle, K. Matous, H. Tan and Y. Huang, 2007. Cohesive modeling of dewetting in particulate composites: micromechanics vs. multiscale finite element analysis. Mechanics of Materials, 39, 580–595.

H. Tan, Y. Huang, C. Liu, and P. H. Geubelle, 2006. Effect of nonlinear interface debonding on the constitutive model of composite materials. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 4, 147-167.

H. Tan, C. Liu, Y. Huang and P. H. Geubelle, 2005. The cohesive law for the particle/matrix interfaces in high explosives. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 53, 1892-1917.

H. Tan, Y. Huang, C. Liu and P. H. Geubelle, 2005. The Mori–Tanaka method for composite materials with nonlinear interface debonding. International Journal of Plasticity, 21, 1890-1918.

Henry Tan's picture

Walter J. Drugan
University of Wisconsin

Fields of Interest:

continuum mechanics analyses of behavior of modern materials
nonlinear fracture mechanics of ductile materials (single- and poly-crystalline) and interfaces
nonlocal constitutive models of composite materials
dynamic fragmentation
nanoscale fracture
nanoscale shape-memory alloys
discontinuities and shock waves in solids
applied mathematics

Henry Tan's picture

K. Bertoldi, D. Bigoni and W.J. Drugan

Structural interfaces in linear elasticity. Part II: Effective properties and neutrality

Pages 35-63

Henry Tan's picture

there is a typo in equation (1)

Henry Tan's picture

Zdeněk P. Bažant and Sze-Dai Pang

Activation energy based extreme value statistics and size effect in brittle and quasibrittle fracture

Pages 91-131

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On the probability distribution function.

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H.M. Yin, G.H. Paulino, W.G. Buttlar and L.Z. Sun

Micromechanics-based thermoelastic model for functionally graded particulate materials with particle interactions

Pages 132-160

Henry Tan's picture

Pairwise particle interaction is considered.

Functionally graded particulate materials include not only 2-particle interactions, but also 3-particle interactions, ..., many-particle interactions, ....

The 2-particle interaction is already very complicated like given in this paper.

Henry Tan's picture

Can many-particle interactions be decoupled into a superposition of many 2-particle interactions?

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Stephen C. Cowin and Morteza M. Mehrabadi

Compressible and incompressible constituents in anisotropic poroelasticity: The problem of unconfined compression of a disk

Pages 161-193

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Some fundamentals of poroelasticity can be got from
Poroelasticity, or diffusion in elastic solids

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Xavier Balandraud and Giovanni Zanzotto

Stressed microstructures in thermally induced M9R–M18R martensites

Pages 194-224

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Cahal McVeigh, Franck Vernerey, Wing Kam Liu, Brian Moran and Gregory Olson

An interactive micro-void shear localization mechanism in high strength steels

Pages 225-244

Henry Tan's picture

It is interesting to compare the decohesion simulation reported in this paper with our results from both micromechanics and multiscale homogenization.

H. M. Inglis, P. H. Geubelle, K. Matous, H. Tan and Y. Huang, 2007.
Cohesive modeling of dewetting in particulate composites: micromechanics vs. multiscale finite element analysis. Mechanics of Materials, 39, 580–595.

Henry Tan's picture

Bojan B. Guzina and Ivan Chikichev

From imaging to material identification: A generalized concept of topological sensitivity

Pages 245-279

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Yu Su and Chad M. Landis

Continuum thermodynamics of ferroelectric domain evolution: Theory, finite element implementation, and application to domain wall pinning

Pages 280-305

Henry Tan's picture

F. Barthelat, H. Tang, P.D. Zavattieri, C.-M. Li and H.D. Espinosa

On the mechanics of mother-of-pearl: A key feature in the material hierarchical structure

Pages 306-337

Henry Tan's picture

Heng Xiao, Otto T. Bruhns and Albert Meyers

Thermodynamic laws and consistent Eulerian formulation of finite elastoplasticity with thermal effects

Pages 338-365

Henry Tan's picture

V. Aleshin and K. Van Den Abeele

Microcontact-based theory for acoustics in microdamaged materials

Pages 366-390

Henry Tan's picture

E. Tyulyukovskiy and N. Huber

Neural networks for tip correction of spherical indentation curves from bulk metals and thin metal films

Pages 391-418

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T. Waitz, T. Antretter, F.D. Fischer, N.K. Simha and H.P. Karnthaler

Size effects on the martensitic phase transformation of NiTi nanograins

Pages 419-444

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P.R. Guduru

Detachment of a rigid solid from an elastic wavy surface: Theory

Pages 445-472

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P.R. Guduru and C. Bull

Detachment of a rigid solid from an elastic wavy surface: Experiments

Pages 473-488

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H.H. Yu, P. Shrotriya, Y.F. Gao and K.-S. Kim

Micro-plasticity of surface steps under adhesive contact: Part I—Surface yielding controlled by single-dislocation nucleation

Pages 489-516

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Yong Ni and Martin Y.M. Chiang

Prediction of elastic properties of heterogeneous materials with complex microstructures

Pages 517-532

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Mats Danielsson, David M. Parks and Mary C. Boyce

Micromechanics, macromechanics and constitutive modeling of the elasto-viscoplastic deformation of rubber-toughened glassy polymers

Pages 533-561

Henry Tan's picture

Norman A. Fleck and XinMing Qiu

The damage tolerance of elastic–brittle, two-dimensional isotropic lattices

Pages 562-588

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Simon Case and Yasuyuki Horie

Discrete element simulation of shock wave propagation in polycrystalline copper

Pages 589-614

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The Discrete Element Method used is a quasi-molecular method in which a continuum is represented by a collection of interacting, non-deforming, mesoscale-sized particles.

A continuum in model is treated like a granular material.

I am interested in using this approach to study shockwaves, but how trustable are the results?

Henry Tan's picture

A. Ramasubramaniam, M.P. Ariza and M. Ortiz

A discrete mechanics approach to dislocation dynamics in BCC crystals

Pages 615-647


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Anja Haug, John E. Huber, Patrick R. Onck and Erik Van der Giessen

Multi-grain analysis versus self-consistent estimates of ferroelectric polycrystals

Pages 648-665

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