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I need to model a reinforced concrete beam strengthened externally by frP? Can anyone share useful  material how to model this  in abaqus or ansys ?





Hi Santosh,


I can give you some advice to model it in Abaqus:

  1. To model a reinforced concrete beam, you should look at the Abaqus example problem: 1.1.5 Collapse of a concrete slab. This describes how to setup a concrete beam with rebar elements to represent reinforcement using shells. If you want to use solid elements, you can do that by using embedded elements: see Abaqus analysis user's guide 34.4.1 Embedded elements.
  2. To model the external strenghtening, you can model shell elements on the sides of your solid model, or define other shells with an appropriate offset, on the same location if you used shells elements to model your concrete. And then tie the shells or merge the nodes.

In the end it all comes down to what do you want to do with the model, do you just need its stiffness properties, or do you need failure (of the beam or perhaps the bond between the FRP and the beam)?




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