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keywords error in vumat

atefe.geramian's picture

Dear all,

     I constructed a VUMAT subroutine which including 4 state dependent variables, so I wrote "*Initial Conditions, Type=Solution" in keywords. But, when I run the simulation I get this error:

in keyword *PERMEABILITY, file "Job-vumat2.inp", line 102: The keyword is misplaced. It can be suboption for the following keyword(s)/level(s): material


Analysis Input File Processor exited with an error.

    Could anybody help me? Thanks a million.

    I copy my keywords as follows.

*Material, name="toyoura new"



*Initial Conditions, Type=Solution

2000000, 1, 1, 0

       *Permeability, specific=10000.

       1e-30, 0.833

*User Material, constants=12, unsymm

 0.833,   0.867,  0.0167,     21.,     1.2,    0.18,     31.,    0.75

    0.75,    0.15,   5e+06, 8.5e+06


brunda's picture

'unsymm' can be used in Standard only. Try removing that word and re-run the simulations. Hopefully that should resolve your problem.

atefe.geramian's picture

Dear Permalink

Thanks for help, I used 'symm' but that error not changed!


brunda's picture

theres no keyword called 'symm' for user material. remove the word completely.



atefe.geramian's picture

I know, I had checked mark "use unsymmetric material stiffness matrix" but when you advise me, I didnt check it and then in keywords, "unsymm" was cleared

Frank Richter's picture

It will probably not assign any material definition as Abaqus dislikes the double parentheses.

Rename to toyoura_new, maybe 'toyoura new' will also be accepted.

Check the chapter "Conventions" in the User's Manual.


Good luck


atefe.geramian's picture

Thanks Frank, I changed this name but I got that error again!

brunda's picture

Try these:


a) *Permeability can be used only with ABAQUS STandard and CAE.

b) put a comma at the end of first line under *User material (after 0.75)

atefe.geramian's picture

I deleted permeability in Edit Material, then I get new error:

in keyword *USERMATERIAL, file "Job-vumat2.inp", line 102: The keyword is misplaced. It can be suboption for the following keyword(s)/level(s): material

I want to write a VUMAT Subroutine too. is there any need to input SDVs in keyword? you can do it in Abaqus CAE. is it true?


atefe.geramian's picture

Yes. If you use SDVs, you should input initial quantity of SDVs in keywords

but you can do it in material=>General=>DEPVAR and general=>User material; then you mention props in your code.same as below;

e = props(1)
xnu = props(2)
yield = props(3)
hard = props(4)

atefe.geramian's picture

props are constants and they are different with SDVs

Thanks Atefe. I got this.

atefe.geramian's picture

I changed the line of *initial condition. My new keyword is:

*Material, name=toyoura2



       *Permeability, specific=10000.

      1e-30, 0.833

*User Material, constants=12

 0.833,   0.867,  0.0167,     21.,     1.2,    0.18,     31.,    0.75

    0.75,    0.15,   5e+06, 8.5e+06

*Initial Conditions, Type=Solution

2000000., 1, 1, 0

I get new error that is not misplaced!

in keyword *INITIALCONDITIONS, file "Job-vumat2.inp", line 105: Unknown part instance name 2000000

An initial condition has been specified on element 0 but this element has not been defined

Permeability is specified on 1 elements but the initial void ratio is not defined. Use *initial conditions to the value. The elements are identified in element set ErrElemPermNoInitVoidRatio.


What is element 0?! I just have one element in my model


brunda's picture


under initial conditions, the first input is your elementset name. i am assuming 200000 is a value of some sdv and not the elementset name.. correct that...

as i said eariler, you cannot use permeability in explicit/with vumat.. so you have remove it..



Frank Richter's picture

from the Manual:

Permeability ... can be specified in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/CFD.

Can you set up your simulation in Abaqus Standard ?


atefe.geramian's picture

It means I should use to UMAT?!! oh, no!

I had wrote umat at first but I had got this error "Problem during compilation - C:\Temp\payan name\my-undraind.for". Then I decided to write vumat...

Thank Brunda and Frank

Frank Richter's picture


you seem to be a beginner in subroutine programming. This error message does not need to be interpreted as a need to switch from UMAT to VUMAT. The community may help you if you state your problem in greater detail, possibly also publish the code here. Commonly, UMAT coding is regarded as easier to perform.

The simplest cause for that error is an inappropriate extension of the Fortran code. Depending on the Abaqus release, it likes or dislikes .for and .f, preferring the other one.


atefe.geramian's picture


I want to write umat again, but I have a problam on state variable in umat. How can I give initial value to STATEV? I should write "initial condition, Type= Solution" in keywords?

brunda's picture

I think you should look at the abaqus keywords manual.  Your questions are basic abaqus questions, that can be resolved just by looking at the manuals.



atefe.geramian's picture

I found it, Thanks

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