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PhD position in computational contact mechanics

Vladislav Yastrebov's picture

We are looking for a student to work on the topic "Development of advanced numerical methods in contact mechanics for aerospace applications"

Scientific advisers: Vladislav Yastrebov, Georges Cailletaud (MINES), Frederic Feyel (SAFRAN)
Period: 36 months (CIFRE)
Laboratory: Centre for Material Sciences, MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, CNRS UMR 7633, Evry, France (30 minutes from Paris)
Partner: SAFRAN
Keywords: computational contact mechanics, high performance computing, friction, augmented Lagrangian method, surface-to-surface, mortar method

Please submit your candidacy for this position (CV + motivation letter) to 

Vladislav Yastrebov <>

and Prof. Georges Cailletaud <>

For more details please see the attached file PhD_announcement_Safran_extended.pdf

PDF icon PhD_announcement_Safran_extended.pdf349.84 KB


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Punitharuban Thirugnanasammandamoorthi B.E.(Civil),M.E.(Aerospace-Structures)
Computational Solid Mechanics and Material testing lab,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

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