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What is Extreme Mechanics?

Zhigang Suo's picture

This question was raised repeatedly when the journal Extreme Mechanics Letters was getting ready to launch.  The editorial board did put together the aim and scope.  But the journal has its own life.  Once launched, it has been shaped by the community.  The authors define what extreme mechanics is by submitting their papers, and the reviewers give feedback.  

All Initial papers are freely accessible.  Take a look, and you will find what the authors, reviewers and editors think what extreme mechanics is.  The young life of EML is shaped by early authors.  You can shape it, too, by submitting your own papers.

Let’s set aside the name of the journal, and focus on matters of substance.  Here are the essential ideas of the new journal:

  1. Focus on letter-style papers

  2. Publish papers within 6-8 weeks upon submission

  3. Focus on mechanics at the forefront of applied sciences

Please join us to shape EML by submitting your papers.  If you have any question or suggestion, please leave a comment.


Min Yi's picture

I have very nice experience of submitting a paper  to EML. The efficiency of the Editor is extremely high, as compared to other mechanics journals. I hope EML to be the PRL in mechanics in the following years.

The papers I read in EML reflect an interdiscipline of mechanics, materials, physics, biology, chemistry, etc. Some experimental works are extremely interesting.

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