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Extreme Mechanics Letters

Zhigang Suo's picture

The initial issues of Extreme Mechanics Letters are freely accessible.  We look forward to receiving your submissions.  Your contribution will help to build this home of mechanicians.


Associate Editors

Executive Publisher


Dibakar Datta's picture

I recently submitted one paper on July 14. We got the first round of review on July 30. All three reviwers gave very thoughtful comments.

Thank you Prof. Suo and the editorial team for starting 'The PRL of Mechanical Sciences'. 


Dibakar Datta's picture

I mean June 14 & June 30 !

Zhigang Suo's picture

Dear Dibakar:  Thank you very much for your kind note.  For those who have not tried to submit papers to EML, you might wish to know that EML has a flat editorial structure.  An author submits a paper to any one of the 9 eidtors directly.  This editor will then be responsible for the artcile.

In addition, EML covers a broad range of topics.  Here is a list of topical areas of interest

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