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Ductile crack modeling with XFEM and Damage criterion in Abaqus

Good mourning, i'll ask a quick and strightforward question abour Abaqus fracture analysis capabilities, in case of a crack in a ductile material, when one want to use arbitrary path crack propagation with XFEM, what's the suitable damage initiation criterion to use for this case?

Another question: For brittle material it is possible to use the XFEM methode coupled with the Maximum Principal Stress criterion, for ductile material normaly we use the Maximum Shear Stress Criterion, so is it possible to use this criterion with the XFEM Methode in Abaqus, and if it is so,  how to do that?

My best Regards 


"For brittle material it is possible to use the XFEM methode coupled with the Maximum Principal Stress criterion": Yes, it is possible. When you give the material properties in Abaqus you can choose this criterion under "Damage initiation".

Thank you Mr Singh, but my question is about ductile materials and the damage critirion available in abaqus for this kind of material to choose with the XFEM methode, any sugestions?

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