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EML Webinar by Prof. John Rogers on April 22, 2020

Teng Li's picture

EML Webinar on April 22, 2020 will be given by Prof. John A. Rogers at Northwestern University via Zoom meeting.

Title: Enabling Ideas in the Mechanics of Bio-Integrated Electronic Systems – From COVID-19 Patients to Engineered Mini-Brains

Time: 7 am California, 10 am Boston, 3 pm London, 10 pm Beijing on April 22, 2020

Zoom Link: 

Zoom ID: 271 079 684

Watach this EML Webinar on YouTube and Weibo.

Extreme Mechanics Letters seeks to publish research of immediacy, depth, and originality. Through lectures and discussions, EML Webinars shed light on the forefront of research, as well as the formative years of researchers. John Rogers is co-editor-in-chief of EML. 

See the full list of EML Webinar speakers and vidoes

PDF icon Rogers 2020 04 22.pdf3.13 MB
Image icon Rogers 2020 04 22.jpg888.9 KB


Zhigang Suo's picture

The after-lecture hangout lasted for nearly 2 hours, starting at 1:17 min. John answers questions from the attendees. These questions and his expansive answers shed insight into John, the brilliant researcher, as well as into the broad field of research and commercialization. The video is a must watch (YouTube or Sina Weibo)!

Pradeep Sharma's picture

The fact that these seminars are recorded is wonderful....I could not catch John Roger's seminar live due to a schedule conflict but really enjoyed the recorded talk and the Q&A. Looking forward to the next one!

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