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Call for Associate Editors for the first Overlay Journal in Mechanics

Vladislav Yastrebov's picture

Dear Mechanicians, dear colleagues, dear authors and readers of scientific publications,

With a few motivated colleagues, since two years we have been working on the creation of a new journal in mechanics. Our main motivation was to create a journal, which would be completely free for authors and readers, a high quality journal free of any commercial interest. And the work on the journal is almost completed, its title is

Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics (JTCAM)

And we are planning to start to receive first papers already in June.The journal is based on the Overlay publication model, in which the preprints of submitted papers and accepted papers are to be stored on open-archives such as arXiv, HAL, engrxiv, that is what ensures zero charges for authors and readers. It is a Diamond Open Access journal or fair-open access journal, without any Article Processing Charges! All the articles will be published under the Creative Commons (CC-BY) licence if no extra restriction is imposed by agencies funded the presented research. The DOI for all the papers will be provided (and paid) by INRIA.FR and the journal will be referenced in various databases. The journal and the publication policies are aligned with the ideas and principles of Open Science.

Recently, the journal was accepted by the Epi-Science commission and is hosted by platform, which was created by CCSD, which also created HAL open archive that is supported by the French National Research Center (CNRS). Do not hesitate to visit the journal's web-page, look through the journal's constitution, editorial policy, scientific board, etc.

At this stage, we are looking for candidates for the positions of Associate Editors, who will take care of the organization of the review process for the journal. The associate editors will be helped by the Scientific Board of renowned scientists and assisted by Technical Editors, who will take care of all technical aspects.

The call for applications can be also downloaded from the Editorial Board's page, here's the direct link. To apply, simply send an email to and attach your CV and a motivation letter. Do not hesitate to use the same email for any questions about the journal, editorial policy, etc. The call is open until the 15th of May 2020. After this date, the Scientific Board will elect Associate Editors among the applied candidates, this choice will respect the balance of gender composition, research domains and the geographical provenance of candidates. Therefore, we strongly encourage female scientists and professors to consider applying to this position. At least eight Associate Editors will be elected to ensure the high-standard review process within the broad scope of the journal.

If you are passionate about Open Science,if you are interested in the future of Free and Fair Scientific Publications,I invite you to share this information with your colleagues and I invite you to consider applying for the honorable positions of Associate Editors of JTCAM, the first overlay journal in solid mechanics!

Vladislav Yastrebov on behalf of the Editorial Board of JTCAM

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Vladislav Yastrebov's picture

The deadline for applications has been postponed to the 1st of June 2020.
We are looking forward to receiving your applications!

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