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MACE-11010 Engineering Mechanics

Henry Tan's picture

You are always welcome to visit my office (B14/Pariser), call (0161 306 8970), or email (

Grading System

Lecture calendar

Teaching materials need to be covered:

  1. Scalar and vector quantities
  2. Kinematics of a particle; co-ordinate systems
  3. Forces and Newton's laws of motions 
  4. Equivalent force systems
  5. Equilibrium and the construction of free-body diagrams
  6. Pin-jointed structures
  7. Friction; self-locking systems
  8. Equations of motion of a particle
  9. Kinetic and potential energies
  10. Impulse and momentum
  11. Introduction to rigid body mechanics
  12. Translational and rotational equations of motion
  13. Kinetic energy of a rotating body

Laboratory (Dr Ali Shahady):
Radius of gyration of a connecting rod

PDF icon howto.pdf20.6 KB


Henry Tan's picture

One of the reference books:

Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics (11th Edition)
by Russell C Hibbeler

Prof. Hibbeler taught at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and in Louisiana. I am lucky to have been in those two places although I didn’t meet with him personally.

Temesgen Markos's picture

"Engineering Mechanics" by Meriam and Craig has a good collection of problems, although the reader before the problems is terse. "Vector mechanics for engineers" by Beer and Johnston deserves its name. It helps one to learn using vector methods, which come in handy when students start solving three dimensional problems.

Henry Tan's picture

I have the fifth edition of Meriam's Engineering Mechanics, with Volume One (Statics) and Volume two (Dynamics). I use them when preparing the lecture.

ramdas chennamsetti's picture

R. Chennamsetti, Scientist, R&D Engineers, India

Prof. H. Tan 

I hope you added the virtual work principle in the contents. My sincere suggestion is to make the students to solve numerical problems (solved and unsolved). This gives a good confidence to them.

I believe that "Engineering Mechanics is the Mother of other *Mechanics" 


- Ramdas

Henry Tan's picture

Dear Ramdas,

Thanks for good suggestions.

I may add the virtual work into the section on pin-jointed structures.

I will post many numerical question for students to gain confidence.


Henry Tan's picture

Welcome to The University of Manchester, and join the MACE!

This course, MACE 11010 Engineering Mechanics for 1st year students, will lay the foundation for all your three year undergraduate experience. As Ramdas commented above, Engineering Mechanics is the Mother of other Mechanics

Last year, the approximate intake for this class includes 80 students in Aerospace Engineering and 110 students in Mechanical Engineering. As an experiment, the class of this year will use heavily the iMechanica, a web for mechanics, to supplement the classroom teaching. Part of the grading will come from your performance in participating iMechanica discussions.

Dear Hanry Tan;

I am starting my PhD education on this month and my research topic will be about underwater shock analysis and its effects on the marine structures. I know its very diffucult to study on this topic. What do you suggest me? How should I start this topic? Which materials or books do you suggest me starting about shock analysis?

Best Regards


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