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Henry Tan's picture

Please introduce yourself in this blog. This is a class to learn
engineering mechanics, but also a class to make friends with in-class
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back to MACE-11010  Engineering Mechanics


Henry Tan's picture


Hi! Great 'lecture' this morning.


I get the feeling facebook will suddenly be a lot quieter for MACE students...

Darn, didn't make first post :P

Henry Tan's picture

Q1 haven't been solved yet (1 question not answered).

You can always solve problems in Hibbeler's website. The are ton's problems for you to solve. The points rule are given in

Also I will post my questions later.

An entertaining lecture this morning.

i don't get it. do we get points for doing the questions or for writing comments?

Henry Tan's picture

both will be given points

hi i'm sam ratcliffe i do aerospace, i just typed this onto the wrong post hahaaa

You certainly gave us the impression that we get points for writing comments. Which, I believe, is no way to assess a student's knowledge and understanding of mechanics.

agreed, the lecture this morning was funny, although the system of assesment seems quite silly

Henry Tan's picture

I agree that the current assessment method is kind of crazy.

I am allowed to do this teaching experiment in two weeks. After two weeks, if students think it is worse than traditional assessment methods, I must switch back.

I am strongly looking for proposals of a better assessment method. I still have the ambition to make this class the best in the world in teaching Engineering Mechanics. I just do not know how to do it, need your help.

exactly. and if we post the answers, everyone can see them - which ruins the point of adding your answers.

Nobody has added correct answers yet (i'm not even going to try and claim mine are right) so you might as well post until somebody gets them right

Hi, I'm Richard Pugh as my name suggests, and doing Mech Eng, and this is hands down the craziest way of teaching i've ever seen. I'm willing to give it a chance, but haven't quite got my head round it yet.

this is different....

Thought this might be a useful webpage:

Especially the last section. 

Henry Tan's picture

Many thanks for the information. This is my first time to use microphone in teaching, definitely need more practice.

Hie there... I am Ming Shern Chan, a first year student of Mechanical Engineering. This is definitely a 'different' kind of approach to teaching. =D

Henry Tan's picture

surely different, but is this good?

let me know if it is good or not. Till now, I haven't heard of any support for this way of teaching yet.

Heya! I'm Farhan bin Zainol, but you can just call me Farhan. Am currently in 1st year of Mechanical Engineering, and I have to say, this is a very unique way of assessing marks. All the best! =)

Namaste, everyone (for those of you who don't know, Namaste is an Indian greeting that means - I salute thee). I'm Sourabh Mallaya, and I'm doing the Aerospace Course at MACE.

I am Raf, and I am doing Mechanical Engineering. I certainly am looking forward to other interesting lectures like todays. I certainly enjoyed it. Anyways, to the tricky business, remember that the formula is in realtion to the total amount of points, if everyone just makes the same amount of points, well all be at 100%.

Peter Sutcliffe's picture

Hi Everybody, I'm Peter, a first year Aero Eng student. I completed the Foundation Year last year. Previous to this I was the Royal Air Force for 8 years as an Engineering Technician Propulsion on the Tornado GR4. Not relly all that sure about this method of teaching but I'll give it a shot.

Henry Tan's picture

give me some proposals on the grading system

hi guys

i'm Dennis, 1st year Mech Eng. Interesting lecture, I'm not too sure about the grading system though, it seems to me to be an easy way through as opposed to periodic (and compulsory) exams.

Chrysandra Leeds's picture


Im 1 of the current 1st yr students reading MEch Eng..

About the lecture this morning, I thought it would have been better if it were presented in one of the university's pc clusters. As for this kind of assessment.. i think i will just have to wait and see if it will work for all of us..


hi i'm ed and i'm doing mechanical eng (with industrial experience).

i'm not sure how this will work to actually grade us, but it will definitely be useful for help with anything we're stuck on.

maybe questions could be posted up here and then we print them off, do them, and hand them in the following week!?

just use this as a help forum?!


ed x 

That idea would be perfect, this way, it would be fair for everyone, and it would make more sence

Henry Tan's picture

I agree this is a good idea.

The problem is that I only have 3 tutors (with around 170 students). Too much work for limited resource. I should put more time on lecturing and commenting your work, rather then marking/grading.

can we email you the answers instead, that way no one can copy and get away with doing no work.

surely as it is for this question set, you still have to check through the answers, would an email not be just as quick?

and with regards to keeping track of points, would you be able to keep a database on your computer as to how many points we

each have?




ps i was appalled today at how rude some of my classmates were in your lecture, i'm sorry that your first experience of teaching in this country

was like this. i don't think this system is perfect at the moment, but it certainly has potential. it certainly makes a nice change from

the usual lecture/homework/exam style! 

Henry Tan's picture

Appreciate it.

I am John Alan Leong from Malaysia. I am in the first year of Mechanical Engineering (BEng).

I have never tried anything close to the current assessment system so I prefer not to make any comments on it till I try it out.


I'm Kah Soon from Malaysia. I'm doing my 1st year of Mechanical Engineering with Management (MEng). Today's engineering mechanics class was quite interesting. Perhaps, this website will serve as a new way of learning and may it start from now onwards! 

Henry Tan's picture

I will keep trying and let it work.

Hello!  I am a aerospace engineering student ,  my name is Yu Wu.  


Hi i'm Pete Crease a first year Aero student, looking forward to posting alot.....i think thats the point

Henry Tan's picture

yes, that is the point: be active in learning.

Hi, I'm Rich, first year Mech Eng. Must say I can't wait an hour for our next lecture. Don't think the microphone was needed though, made it harder to hear. Can we earn points for idle chit chat or have we actually got to discuss mechanics? Willing to give this a try but somehow I can't see it working properly. Could be put to use for tutorials, but actual assessment? We shall see...

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