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What happens after you submit a blog post?

Zhigang Suo's picture

The post will appear in your blog. It will also appear when people click any of the tags that you have assigned to the post. iMech indexes its content about once every hour. Once indexed, your post is searchable. The post will also appear in front of people who have subscribed to the RSS feeds of iMech.

Your post has a unique URL (so-called permalink), which appears in the navigation bar when you click the title of your post. Such a permalink can be used by all authors in the Internet to hyperlink to your post. So, each post is like an atom, capable of chemical reaction with other posts. Make each of your post focused. This is particularly important if you have more than one good ideas.

Say you have two distinct good ideas. To be distinct, they must be able to stand alone. Instead of writing a single post, you should write two separate posts, each devoted to one good idea. This way, you or another writer later can pick one idea to hyperlink to, without being cluttered by unwanted ideas. Of course, you can always write a thrid post that explores the connection between your two good ideas. Make every good idea atomic.

After submission, you can edit all parts of your post as many times as you like. You can modify the title, the text, and the tags.

The moderators of iMech can also edit all parts of your post. You can view the changes by clicking the title of your post, and then the tab "revisions". If you disagree with the modification, click "revert". iMech keeps track of all such operations, which are open to all who care to see. Thus, iMech acts like a wiki. In addition, moderators may decide to promote your post to the front page of iMech.


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Tim O'Reilly, the guru of Web 2.0, returns to this theme again in this blog entry.   In scholarly publishing, we have already seen the transition from monographs to journal papers.  We have also seen the rise of journals that specialize in publishing short papers (e.g., APL, PRL, Science and Nature). The Internet probably will continue this trend to further reduce the unit of scholarly publishing.

Journal papers are still too long and too dressy for effective communication.  Today, if you have a good experimental result and want to publish it in a journal, you have to package it into a paper of respectable length.  When I read your paper, I have to unpackage your paper to find that really new item.  What a waste of your time and my time!  Why can't you simply tell me your result in its basic form:  a plot with a caption?

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