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a little about myself

Richard Marth's picture

First of all, I am hardly a writer and to be honest, this tiny entry will probably have taken me a couple hours. Between watching tv, procrastinating, surfing the web, dealing with my recent concussion and the dizziness that has been associated with it, I've been having a bit of a tough time this semester. I think some of that may just be due to the fact that I'll be graduating (hopefully) soon.


 I am a senior mechanical engineering student at the University of Maryland. I grew up in the Rockville, MD area and decided on attending UMD because of their great engineering program and because of the lower in state tuition costs. I grew up with 2 younger brothers, and enough pets to fill Noah's ark. In my free time I enjoy fishing (just about any kind imagineable) and bowling. I've been paying my own way through college and have just recently been able to afford my first car, a used 96' Saturn.

 I have been a co-op for a branch of Applied Technical Services in Arlington, VA over the course of the past 2 years. There I designed, inspected and tested roof anchorage devices for window washers. I really enjoyed working there and really liked my co-workers, but the hours were terrible and the work could be boring at times.

During my time at the University, I have taken an interest in fluid dynamics theory and modeling. Because of this, I am currently enrolled in a biological fluid mechanics course and will be looking to pursue a career in a related field.

I have signed on for a position with Flowserve in Chesapeake, Virginia, this summer. The city is about 4 hours away from my home, so I'm really looking forward to moving down there in late June. I got a great offer from them as well, so that makes the deal even sweeter.

As for the class I am posting this for, flexible macroelectronics...

I originally signed up for this class to fulfill 3 technical elective credits. I have since started to enjoy the material more than I had expected. I hadn't realized how in depth the material would be in terms of the mathmatical computations and mechanics involved. I was expecting more qualitative material than quantitative.

The technology is also very interesting and it's been quite cool to see how challenges involving the structural mechanics could be solved using hybrid structures to get around them. Something I had never thought about as a possibility in mechanical engineering design.

After hearing about the final design project today, I'm quite excited about it and have started thinking about and testing possible patterns.

...I've got paper scraps all over my floor

Well, it's getting pretty late now, so I think I'm gonna go hit the sack. Later.

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