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Professor Kyung-Suk Kim to Receive Engineering Science Medal from SES

Huajian Gao's picture

Professor Kyung-Suk Kim of Brown University will receive the 2012 Engineering Science Medal from the the Society of Engineering Science (SES). The prize, which consists of a plaque and a check for $2000, is awarded in recognition of a singularly important contribution to Engineering Science.  Professor Kim will receive his award during the 49th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science to be held at Georgia Institute of Technology from October 9-12, 2012.

Prof. Kim receives the prize for his singularly important contributions to Experimental Micro and Nano-mechanics. These include his inventions of transverse displacement Interferometer for high strain rate combined normal and shearing load, stress intensity tracer for time dependent fracture testing, Moiré interferometry for finite displacement measurement at the micro and nano-length scales, field projection methods to extract cohesive laws, residual stress measurements via chemical etching, high resolution TEM analysis to extract near atomic resolution constitutive laws and extension of the AFM range to measure the size scaling in contact and adhesion.  

Prof. Kim received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Seoul National University of Korea in 1974 and 1976, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree from Brown University in 1980.  He worked on the faculty of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1980-1989 before returning to Brown University as Professor of Engineering in 1989. He is currently the director of Nano & Micromechanics Laboratory in the Mechanics of Solids and Structures Group in School of Engineering at Brown University.

About the Society of Engineering Science

Founded in 1963, the Society of Engineering Science (SES) was established to promote the free exchange of information on all aspects of engineering science and to provide a forum for discussion, education, and recognition of the talents of the engineering science community. Since its founding in 1963, the SES has established its reputation as the most vibrant and relevant technical society to promote the field of engineering science, where science and engineering meet. The annual technical meetings organized by SES bring leading engineers, scientists and mathematicians from around the world together to tackle some of the most challenging problems at the interface between engineering, sciences and mathematics.


Kejie Zhao's picture

Many congratulations to Prof. Kim for the well deserved award!

Xinghua Shi's picture

Contratulations to Prof. Kim. He shared a lot with us on the equation of mechanics, the legend story of mechanics. We really enjoyed it in his lecture and talk. Miss the days in Brown.

Dibakar Datta's picture

Many many congratulation to Prof. Kim. He is very friendly and always carry a smile. I truly enjoy discussion with him. He also tells us about the 'History of Mechanics'. It is a great honor to have a teacher like him.

Dibakar Datta
Homepage :
PhD Candidate ; Major : Solid Mechanics
Shenoy Research Group
Providence 02912 , USA

Dibakar Datta's picture

His 'Advanced Mechanics of Solids' course (Spring 2011) was outstanding. All the courses at Brown are mind blowing.

Dibakar Datta
Homepage :
PhD Candidate ; Major : Solid Mechanics
Shenoy Research Group
Providence 02912 , USA

Zhigang Suo's picture

Dear KS: Congratulations on such a wonderful and wholly deserving recognition.  You have been an inspiration and a source of ideas for many of us.

Yanfei Gao's picture

I echo with everyone here on how motivated we have been from KS. Reading Huajian's excerpt of award briefing, I remember the great plot of experimental methods with respect to length scales and strain magnitudes. KS's great inventions cover many unclaimed and unexplored territories there.

KS got the remarkably sharp view on identifying what are important and what is worthwhile to do! 

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