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Postdoctoral Associate Position Available at Northwestern University

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A postdoctoral associate position is available at the Computational Nanodynamics Group at Northwestern University. This research project focuses broadly on atomistic and multi-scale modeling and simulation of the mechanics and dynamics of organic, biological and bioinspired nanomaterials. The post-doctoral researcher will have the opportunity to investigate diverse issues related to mechanics and transport phenomena in emerging nanostructured materials. Specific domains of focus include self-assembling biomolecular materials, multifunctional structural materials, and hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces in polymer nanocomposites. The research project is highly interdisciplinary, encompassing collaborations on synthesis and experimental characterization aspects across Northwestern University and other institutions.


A Ph.D. in engineering, materials science, chemistry, physics or a related field is required for this position. A strong background in atomistic and multiscale modeling methods (molecular dynamics, density functional theory, coarse-grained molecular simulations) is desired.


Please send a CV, a brief summary of research interests, contact information of 3 references, and your most relevant publication as a single pdf file to Evaluations will begin immediately, and the expected start date is June 2012 or later.

Feel free to contact Prof. Sinan Keten ( for further inquiry.



Sinan Keten

Assistant Professor

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Program

Northwestern University

Tech A133, 2145 Sheridan Road

Evanston, IL 60208-3109

Tel: (847) 491-5282


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