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lecture 17. Introduction to Computational Ductile Fracture

An overview of several approaches to computational fracture mechanics for ductile structural metals.

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Ying Li's picture

Thank you for your notes, which give us a help to study in related fields. Since I have seen you at Tsinghua last year, I still remember what you said at your presentation. May I give you a suggestion? I think you have given many presentations at many places. If you can collect them and offer them online, I think it may also very useful as your notes given here. 



    You are too kind!  I recall the response Eli Sternberg once gave to someone who remarked that he kept his desk very orderly and free of paper.  Eli replied that whenever anything accumulated on his desk he published it.  In my case, I have to apply a much tighter filter.  Most of my old lectures should probably end in the circular file.  I have posted some of my old lecture notes on my website at

      Thanks for  your comments.


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