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MRC Elsevier Distinguished Lecture, NJIT, Wednesday 11 April 2012


Elsevier is pleased to announce that Professor Thomas Hughes will be presenting 'Isogeometric Analysis', the Mechanics Research Communications Elsevier Distinguished Lecture (sponsored by Elsevier and the New Jersey Institute of Technology Granular Science Laboratory). The lecture will take place in the Guttenberg Information Technologies Center, NJIT, on Wednesday April 18, 2012, 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. and we are hoping to post it on the web at a later date. Full details are available at

Lecture 'Mechanics of Soft Active Materials' by Zhigang Suo was successfully held in Tongji Univ.

On May 29th, Prof. Zhigang Suo, a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and professor of Mechanics and Materials at Harvard University, made two lectures for teachers and students in Tongji University, titled “from study in Harvard to be elected to the US National Academy of Engineering” and “Mechanics of Soft Active Materials”.

Lecture 18--Aspects of dynamic fracture

A very breif introduction to aspects of dynamic fracture mechanics.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Lecture 15 Ratcheting induced slow crack (RISC)

Lectures 14 & 16; Matrix cracking, cracks intersecting an interface, and crack kinking

Matrix cracking in composites and the competition between penetration and deflection when a crack approaches an interface, and the competition between advance in the interface and kinking out of the interface for an interface crack.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Lecture 13 Crack bridging

G. Bao and Z. Suo, " Remarks on crack-bridging concepts," Applied Mechanics Review. 45, 355-366 (1992).

Lecture 11 & 12

Buckling delamination, with two slides on 1D vonKarman plates.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Lecture 10 Debonding in layered materials

Zhigang Suo's picture

Lecture 9 Interfacial fracture

  • Williams singularity
  • Energy release rate
  • Mode angle
  • Stress oscillation
  • Small scale contact
  • Example 1:  A small crack on the interface
  • Example 2:  Thin film debonding
  • Interfacial fracture energy
  • Four-point bend specimen
  • Double-cantilever beam
  • The use of the interfacial fracture energy
Zhigang Suo's picture

Lecture 8 Mixed mode fracture

Dear Students of ES 242r / ENGM 940:

You may be interested in reading about the self-introductions of your fellow students

The attached notes are written mainly for myself. Most figures are missing. I'll draw these figures in class. So please take good notes in class.

Lecture 7

Lecture 7.  Stability of large scale yielding crack growth & fracture mechanisms

Zhigang Suo's picture

Lecture 6 Channel cracks in thin films

  • Various cracks in thin films under tensile or compressive stresses
  • Micrographs of cracks in thin films
  • A micrograph of a channel crack
  • The origin of stress in a film
  • Stress in a thin film due to mismatch in the coefficients of thermal expansion
  • Stress in film due to bending
  • Measure redisual stress using wafer curvature
  • Channel crack:  initiation vs. steady propagation
  • Steady-state energy release rate of a channel crack
  • Channel crack in patterned structure

Lecture 1

The slides for lecture 1 are attached.

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