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looking for RA or TA opportunities for master in usa universities(CA,NY, ...)

ali.asgari.tabari's picture


im 3rd year student in mechanical engineering in semnan university of iran.

overall it is my resmue:

GPA 3 (IRAN system : 14.9/20)

ielts ,gre in progress 

fluent in solidworks,visual nastran 4D,COSMOS MOTION

good in matlab(numerical computational),ansys,ansys workbench

2 paper in vibration field (exact : transmisibilty ,modal parameters) collaborating with one of our teachers and continue on other papers

1st in 7th pasta bridge National Championship -2012iran-

and now working on designing electric motorcycle National Championship hosted by shairf university of iran,i am the leader on our team(11 students)

which experiences should i take for apply to usa universities ? 

ori want to ask there is opportunities for me to apply in usa ?or not ?  

i hope you advise me to best.



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