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Brittle failure in Abaqus

surot's picture

Hi there,

Can anyone explain me the results I got from Explicit? I am investigating cracks propagation in hybrid timber-glass beam. It is a I-shaped section and consists of timber flanges and glass web bonded with an adhesive.

Please look at the attached diagram - Force versus vertical deformation. Until an initial crack it is almost perfectly linear. But what happens after the glass failure? What could be the reason that the force changes like a wave?



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surot's picture

I tried mass scalling and dumping coefficients.. Do you have any idea?

hi all,

I'm doing myproject in glass beams but i don't know what are the inputs to be given in abaqus, am newly working in abaqus and also in glass field.I don't know how to model the cracks. could you please help me with the details of the same and alsosome modelling techmiques.

If you could help me at the earliest I would be happy

Thanks in advance 

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