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Convergence rate of MLS shape function

s.faraji's picture


Can somebody help me to find about the convergence rate of MLS shape function?


s.faraji's picture



Pleas ask me,what are the main disadvantages of lagrange multipliers method in meshless methods?


yawlou's picture

for convergence rates see the classic paper, go to following link and at the right near top you can click on download pdf;jsessionid=A8021FAFE7DA6BD6...

 The above paper is "Meshless methods: An overview and recent developments (1996)"

T. Belytschko, Y. Krongauz, D. Organ, M. Fleming, P. Krysl

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

s.faraji's picture


Thanks alot for your advice.

best wish

s.faraji's picture


parallel processing

I want to help me about parallel coding in fortran. I can not use the "use omp_lib" in my fortran software and i do not know about the fortran commands such as:

 !$ omp parallel

do i=1,n


end do

!$ end omp parallel

that are used in fortran for paralleling the loops.

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