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LS-DYNA: How to output only specific time interval of D3PLOT in explicit analysis (crash)

I am using LS-DYNA for automotive crash simulation.

I have a need to look into great detail at a specific time interval of a simulation animation. 

I need to output the D3PLOT at 0.1 milisecond per plot from certain time intervial, example termination time of simulation 100 milisecond, now for some reason I want to output D3PLOT with DT=0.1milisecond during time 70 milisecond to 75milisecond only (just an arbitrarily example) and still be able to view it by directly opening the main d3plot file in post-processing software like Animator.

Is there any setting/parameter in LS-DYNA that I can use to achieve this purpose?

I do not wish to have D3PLOT at time other than this interval, as it consume my server storage space and I am not interest at all at animation other than this time interval. For now, I have to resort to the method of using DT=0.1 mili-second right from the time 0 milisecond until the end of simulation, which is consuming my storage space extremely fast. As for now it is still possible because there is still harddisk space but I realize this cannot be keep going forever. 

Any idea? If LS-DYNA unable to achieve this in itself then the last resort I can think of is to make a script in Linux, and have it automatically delete all the d3plot files which is not within the time interval I am interest at. Only left with the d3plot I want. 


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I have found the solution myself.
One has to use to the load curve option in the DATABASE_BINARY_OPTION card.

Specific what DT the user want the DYNA to output D3PLOT in the load curve.

If anyone of you need help in doing this please let me know and I will try to provide more feedback base on my experience on this technique. 

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