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iMechanica now has over 3000 registered users

Teng Li's picture

The number of registered users of iMechanica exceeded 3000 today, three months after iMechanica welcomed its 2000th user.  The number of posts has exceeded 1700, and the number of comments, 3800. The growth of iMechanica has been stable and amazing, leading to a natural question: why do people register at iMechanica? iMechanica is open:  evevryone can read everything without registration.  You can post anything of interest to mechanicians once you register for a free account

As the interactions among iMechanicians increases, the past three months has seen many new strokes in iMechanica, all initiated by the users.  Here are some examples:

Let's expect more new activities to be initiated by our users.  Let the collective wisdom from our community shape the future of iMechanica.

We thank Lesley Lam and Joy Sircar, of Information Technology at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, for sustained technical support. 


yoursdhruly's picture


Thanks for bringing attention to the "silent majority". I just wanted to point out that in addition to the link you provided, we have started a new thread that focuses on the role of students at iMechanica.


Henry Tan's picture

I guess that you have used iMechanica for teaching. I am also planning to do so. How did student response to that class.

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