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Simpleware Version 7.0 now available

We're delighted to announce the Version 7.0 release of our 3D image processing, analysis and model generation software. The release comes with a wide range of new features including:

New Animations - generate animations from within the ScanIP interface - explore your data and create videos to communicate work to colleagues, with options for 'fly-throughs' available.

New Physics Modules - new add-on modules +SOLID, +FLOW and +LAPLACE enable you to calculate effective material properties from image data using homogenisation techniques. Use quick semi-analytical estimates or simulations in a built-in FE solver to compute properties. +SOLID calculates elastostatic properties, +FLOW absolute permeability, and +LAPLACE electrical conductivity/permittivity, thermal conductivity, and molecular diffusivity.

New Centreline Tools - analyse the connectivity of your data with a new centrelines feature - measure centrelines in 3D and export statistics for analysis.

New Watershed Segmentation - separate and group particles using this processing tool. Ideal for working with nano and micro-scale data.

Other new features include: boundary layer meshing for FE models, new ABAQUS CFD export options, medical orientation overlays, ROI-defined boundary straightening, mesh snapshots, improved transparency visualisation and slice planes, ROI creation from a mask's shape.

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