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Open Position: Professor of Composite Materials

The FHNW University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland includes nine schools and is a strong partner to the Swiss economy. We are looking for you to join the School of Engineering, Institute of Polymer Engineering in Windisch, Switzerland at the earliest possible date:

Professor of composite materials

Your tasks

You will be teaching the fundamentals of polymers and polymer composites and their processing methods with a strong industrial context to mechanical engineering students. Furthermore you are responsible to acquire and lead research projects in topics relating to processing of polymer composites in close collaboration with industry. In this context your will also supervise student projects at bachelor and master's level. Finally, you will actively develop contacts to industry and academia in Switzerland and abroad.

Your profile

You have a PhD in mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering or materials science (or equivalent background) and you have acquired several years of experience in industry. You have considerable expertise in the field of composites materials and their processing methods; this may cover experimental expertise as well as simulation aspects of manufacturing processes. In this respect you have an outstanding track record of research in academia as well as proof of successful technology development and its valorisation in industry. You are expected to be well networked in industry and academia on national and international level. You enjoy interacting with students at bachelor and master's level and you contribute to a strong existing network in academia and industry.


Please send your application before October  31st.,  2015 preferably online via the respective announcement on For further information please contact Prof. Clemens Dransfeld, head of the Institute of Polymer Engineering. (, +41 76 395 8650).

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