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Isogeometric Analysis

Hi Everyone,

Can someone tell me where i can find lectures or anything related to Isogeometric alanysis so that I can learn this techniqe.


M. Jahanshahi's picture

See the following site. You can find useful information there.

Also, the following references are helpful:

T.J.R. Hughes, J.A. Cottrell and Y. Bazilevs, Isogeometric Analysis:  CAD, Finite Elements, NURBS, Exact Geometry and Mesh Refinement, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 194, (2005) 4135-4195.

J.A. Cottrell, T.J.R. Hughes and Y. Bazilevs, Isogeometric Analysis: Toward Integration of CAD and FEA, Wiley, Chichester, U.K., 2009.



Thank you for this valuable response sir. 

Thank you for this valuable response sir. 

Isogeometric analysis: an overview and computer implementation aspects

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