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Call for Papers: Experimental Mechanics Special Issue on “Mechanics of Energy Materials”

Shuman_Xia's picture

Advanced energy materials hold one of the keys to fundamental advances in the conversion, storage, and harvesting of energy for a broad range of consumer electronics, automotive, aerospace, and defense applications. The successful development and deployment of these materials relies critically on a fundamental understanding of strongly coupled multiphysics phenomena. Mechanics of energy materials has emerged as a rapidly growing area of research that has significant technological implications in improving the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of energy infrastructure. This special issue of the Journal of Experimental Mechanics aims to exchange the latest research advances in this highly interdisciplinary area. The focus of the special issue will be on experimental and integrated computational/experimental investigations from the mechanics and materials prospective. Suggested topics include but are not limited to: 


• mechanics of electrochemically active materials (Li-ion batteries, Na-ion batteries, solid-state batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, etc.);

• energy harvesting from mechanical/vibration sources;

• thermoelectric energy harvesting;

• mechanics of photovoltaic materials;

• measurement of fundamental mechanical properties of energy materials;

• in situ and ex situ experimental characterization of coupling phenomena between mechanical and other physical processes;

• development of advanced experimental techniques;

• deformation and failure of energy materials;

• development of integrative experimental and modeling approaches.


To submit a paper, please visit the journal website at and select “Sp Iss: Mechanics of Energy Materials”. The deadline for paper submission is August 31, 2016. All papers submitted to the special issue will go through the same peer-review process as regular papers.



August 31, 2016: Manuscripts submitted by this date

September 1 - October 31, 2016: Reviews completed and sent to authors

November 1 - December 31, 2016: Manuscript revision, resubmission, and re-review if needed

February, 2017: Final manuscripts uploaded

May, 2017: Special issue published in Experimental Mechanics


Guest Editors

Shuman Xia, Georgia Institute of Technology,

Pradeep Guduru, Brown University,

Henry Sodano, University of Michigan,

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