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EMI-2018@MIT – CALL FOR MINI-SYMPOSIA NOW OPEN (July to September 15, 2017)

Dear Colleagues,

EMI 2018, the 2018 Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) Conference will be held at M.I.T. from May 29 to June 1, 2018.

For this annual prime venue for Engineering Mechanics as a core discipline of science-enabled Civil Engineering, the CALL FOR MINI-SYMPOSIA Proposal Submission is NOW OPEN at:

All you need is:

  1. Mini-symposium Title
  2. Name & Affiliation of Organizers of the Mini-Symposium
  3. A short abstract and keywords of the Mini-Symposium

The Call for mini-symposia is open until SEPTEMBER 15, 2017, at which time we will call for Abstracts. For critical dates of EMI 2018@MIT, please visit  For more details regarding the conference, please visit

Wishing you a productive summer,

Franz-Josef Ulm, Civil & Environmental Engineering, M.I.T.

Roland Pellenq, UMI, CSHub@MIT, M.I.T.

Arghavan Louhghalam, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UMass Dartmouth

Mazdak Tootkaboni, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UMass Dartmouth 

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