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The 7th edition of the International Conference on Fatigue of Composites (ICFC7)'s picture

The 7th edition of the International Conference on Fatigue of Composites is going to be held in Vicenza (Italy) from 4th to 6th of July 2018. The conference is organized by the Department of Management and Engineering at the University of Padova, under the patronage of the European Society for Composite Materials, the Committee on Composite Materials of the Japan Society of Material Science, the Italian Association for Stress Analysis and the Italian Group of Fracture.
This edition continues the series of very successful previous conferences, held in Paris (1997), Williamsburg (2000), Kyoto (2004), Kaiserslautern (2017), Nanjing (2010) and again in Paris (2014).
The ICFC conferences attract internationally renowned scientists, researchers and application engineers, from Academia, Research Institutions and Industries, with a scientific program covering theoretical aspects, experimental methods and examples of practical industrial applications.
On this basis, ICFC7 aims to enhance interactions among scientists and engineers, providing them with a forum for the communications and discussions on the recent exciting accomplishments and future trends in the field of fatigue behavior of composite materials for several fields of application. Together with local cultural introduction, the high quality presentations ensure a friendly atmosphere during the event, which is believed to further promote and establish long-term cooperation among the participants.
An attractive background programme, including workshops on applications and subjects of actual industrial interest, will be arranged to complement the interesting presentations and discussions. 

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