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Advanced course on Coupled processes in fracture propagation in Geo-Materials: from hydraulic fracture to earthquakes


We are delightled to announce an advanced summer course on hydraulic fracture & earthquake mechanics which will be held at CISM (The international center for mechanical science) in Udine, Italy from June 10 to 14, 2019.

This summer course targets graduate students, engineers as well as researchers interested in recent advances in the mechanical modeling of both fluid-driven fractures and earthquakes. 

During this 4 1/2 days course, our aim is to review the physical modeling of these problems, which combines fracture mechanics, thermo-hydro-mechanical deformation and complex friction laws.  We will cover in-depth the solution of a number of model problems that allow for a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between the different physical processes on the evolution of fracture. 

The course will notably cover: fracture mechanics, boundary integral equations, coupling between fluid flow & fracture deformation, hydraulic fracture tip asymptotics and semi-analytical solutions of hydraulic fracture growth in different propagation regimes, frictional behavior, earthquake nucleation and propagation, models, labs and field experiments.

The lectures will be given by: Harsha Bhat (CNRS/ENS), Dmitry Garagash (Dalhousie U / Skoltech), Leonid Germanovitch (Clemson U.), Brice Lecampion (EPFL), Alex Schubnel (CNRS/ENS) and Robert Viesca (Tufts U.)

More details will be soon posted on the cism website ( for the 2019 session.

A flyer of this course is attached.



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