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Seeking postdoctoral research position in experimental mechanics


I am looking for a postdoctoral research position in experimental mechanics in US. I'll be graduating in January 2008 with a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Drexel University, Philadelphia. 

I worked on the understanding of elastic-plastic deformation behavior in materials under contact loading, as well as bulk mechanical testing. After looking at a wide spectrum of materials with a broad range of elastic and plastic properties, I have been able to demonstrate the importance of calculating indentation stress-strain curves from load displacement data. Our indentation stress-strain curves have been very useful in understanding yield points, dislocation nucleation, hardening rates, and their relationship to dislocation movement. These curves also helped us to understand the nonlinear elastic deformation in different materials. We have successfully developed a micro-scale model for reversible dislocation motion in materials and it agrees extremely well with both our nanomechanical and bulk experimental data. Very recently, we have also developed a quantitative method to better understand the zero-contact point in indentation experiments. 

As a postdoctoral research associate, I am intersted to work on better understanding of defect nucleation, propagation, and their effects in materials at micro/nano scale. Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions or might have an opening in a related area. Attached please find my CV. Thanks a lot in advance for your consideration.

Best Regards,

Sandip Basu

email: sandip (dot) basu (at) drexel (dot) edu

PDF icon SandipBasu_CV.pdf77.15 KB


I'll be presenting a poster on my research at the MRS Fall Meeting at Boston next week (Tuesday Nov 27, poster number AA5.4).



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