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Postdoctoral position in experimental additive manufacturing and characterization of nickel-titanium shape memory alloys


Khalifa University of Science and Technology, main campus, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Website:


The position is available from September 2019 for up to 34 months. 

About the role

The objective of the postdoctoral research project is to produce and characterize 3D printed Nickel-Titanium shape memory alloy (SMA) samples. The produced samples will be tested at multiple scales, to investigate both their microstructural behavior and thermomechanical constitutive response. Examples of the tests that will be carried out include tensile and compressive testing at different temperatures, X-CT scanning to investigate geometry and microstructural variations, microscopy to investigate pre- and post-fabrication composition and characterize failure mechanisms under cyclic and monotonic loading.  The envisaged research will include an analytical and numerical component, which will aim at relating the observed 3DP SMA behavior to the 3DP process parameters with the aim of establishing best practices for 3D printing of the SMAs that will be considered in this project. The successful candidate will be under the supervision of Profs. Wesley Cantwell and Greg Haidemenopoulos, both experts in various aspects of fabrication and testing of materials, and Dr. Wael Zaki, whose expertise is in modeling and fatigue analysis of shape memory alloys specifically.

The research duties of the postdoctoral associate are the following:

1.    Fabrication and testing of 3DP shape memory alloy samples,

2.     Investigating the tensile and compressive behavior of the produced samples at different temperatures,

3.     Correlating experimental observations at the microstructural scale to the thermomechanical response of the samples and to the parameters of the 3D printing process,

4.     Contributing to characterizing the parameters of constitutive models and fatigue criteria that will be established to describe the observed thermomechanical behavior of the printed samples,

5.     Establishing best practices for 3D printing of the SMA alloys considered within the frame of the research project.


About the person

·     PhD in mechanical engineering, materials science and engineering, or a related field,

·     Experience in experimental microstructural characterization of metals and alloys using microscopy and radiography techniques,

·     Experience in analytical and numerical methods commensurate with the requirements of this position,

·     Ability to work in a collaborative environment,

·     Very good command of technical English is mandatory,

·     Previous experience in 3D printing is desirable. 



The salary and health insurance package is highly competitive by international standards. 



Send an expression of interest with your resume by e-mail to Dr. Wael Zaki, Department of Mechanical Engineering,


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