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EMI-PMC: Advances in the Mechanics of Superconducting Materials and Structures, and Related Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures

sergkuznet's picture

Dear Colleagues:

Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference(EMI2020) and Probalistic Mechanics and Reliability Conference(PMC2020) will be held at Columbia University in the upper west side of New York City, May 26-29, 2020 (

As a part of this meeting, we are organizing a mini-symposium to address recent advances in the Mechanics of Superconducting Materials and Structures and Related Materials at Cryogenic Temperatures.

Recent development and industrial maturity of high temperature superconductors(HTS) technology paves the way to the creation of high energy superconducting magnets for various applications, including fusion reactors, magnetic energy storage, power transmission, magnetic levitation and propulsion, medical, and other applications. While very appealing, practical use of HTS technology still stays in a highly unexplored area. Superconducting tapes and cables performance under harsh and complex mechanical, thermal and electromagnetic loading conditions remains highly unknown.

Increased critical fields, critical current densities in HTS result in high energy concentrations, bringing structural considerations to the first plan. Stresses and strains generated in superconductors and supporting structures during steady-state operation and during off-normal events become primary limiting factors in the superconducting magnets design. 

Superconductor degradation under mechanical and thermal loadings, strain dependence of critical parameters, various nonlinearities may significantly deteriorate performance of superconducting magnets and cause irreversible damage. Providing sufficient cooling, thermal sensing and structural health monitoring are also of paramount importance in the superconducting structures.

These factors require smart design solutions, reliable and efficient methods to model coupled thermo- electro-magneto- mechanical phenomena as well as development and use of new materials with superior performance at low temperatures. 

In this session we invite researchers from different  disciplines to discuss mechanical and coupled behavior of high temperature superconductors and structures, including theoretical and experimental results, reliable modeling techniques for mutiphysics simulations of superconducting materials and structures, cryogenics and structural health monitoring. 


We cordially invite you to submit your abstract for this mini-symposium.

To submit an abstract, please visit the conference website at



The deadline for abstract submission is January 15, 2020.


We are looking forward to your presentations at this mini-symposium.



With our best regards,


Sergey Kuznetsov, Commonwealth Fusion Systems

Konstantin Redkin, WHEMCO, INC

Alexey Radovisnky, Plasma Science and Fusion Center, MIT


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