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EML Webinar by Prof. Teng Li on July 29, 2020: Advanced Materials toward a Sustainable Future: Mechanics Design

Teng Li's picture

EML Webinar on July 29, 2020 will be given by Professor Teng Li, the University of Maryland via Zoom meeting. Discussion leader: Professor Zheng Jia, Zhejiang University.

Title: Advanced Materials toward a Sustainable Future: Mechanics Design

Time: 7 am California, 10 am Boston, 3 pm London, 10 pm Beijing on July 29, 2020

Zoom Link: 

Zoom ID: 271 079 684

Live streaming on YouTube:

Extreme Mechanics Letters seeks to publish research of immediacy, depth, and originality. Through lectures and discussions, EML Webinars shed light on the forefront of research, as well as the formative years of researchers. 

See the full list of EML Webinar speakers and videos.

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Nuwan Dewapriya's picture

Thank you very much for organizing the webinar series and making it accessible.

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