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Applied Mechanics Reviews Diversity Advocates - 2 open positions

Applied Mechanics Reviews (AMR) is the flagship review journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) with 2019 impact factor 6.733. Sponsored since its founding in 1948 by the ASME Applied Mechanics Division, AMR publishes long-shelf-life, state-of-the-art survey articles and retrospective reviews across all subdisciplines of applied mechanics and engineering science, including fluid and solid mechanics, heat transfer, dynamics and vibration, and applications. Papers published in AMR add value beyond what is available in the existing literature. They do so through authoritative commentary and original synthesis, relating and contrasting the authors' original contributions to those of the community.

Prof. Harry Dankowicz serves as Editor of Applied Mechanics Reviews since 2012. The current AMR editorial board consists of eight Associate Editors, four of whom are women. In collaboration with the Applied Mechanics Division, AMR is launching a search for two Diversity Advocates to join its editorial board for a two-year term starting January 1, 2021. In partnership with the AMR Editor, the Diversity Advocates will assist with efforts to elevate consideration of diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the journal function, including

  • Developing strategies for attracting, mentoring, and retaining women, persons of color, persons with disabilities, and veterans on the AMR editorial board;
  • Ensuring that conversations about diversity are prominent in AMR editorial content and AMR-sponsored events; and
  • Recruiting manuscripts for possible publication in AMR from members of traditionally underrepresented groups.

Candidates for the position as AMR Diversity Advocate should be individuals with a demonstrated commitment to the applied mechanics discipline and technical community, as well as the mission of ASME to promote engineering science to the benefit of humankind. They must be able to articulate their commitment to advocating for diverse representation and diverse voices in all matters pertaining to the journal’s function and editorial board constitution.

To apply for one of the two open positions, candidates should submit a single .pdf to Harry Dankowicz ( by December 27, 2020, consisting of

  • A cover letter including a summary of relevant experiences with journal publications and/or technical authorship;
  • An NSF-style biosketch; and
  • A single-page diversity statement describing past experience with diversity and inclusion efforts and the candidate’s goals for their service to AMR.

All interested individuals are encouraged to submit an application.

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